Payment Successful !

Congratulations on successfully purchasing your IPTV subscription !

Our team is working diligently to prepare your login credentials and set up your subscription.
This process typically takes between 30 minutes to 6 hours due to high demand. Rest assured, we are doing our best to expedite it for you.

Important Information :

We will send your login details to the email address associated with your purchase. Please check your inbox (and spam folder, just in case) for an email from [].

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our customer support team is here to help. Reach out to us at [] or via WhatsApp [+12513320805], we’re here to make sure your experience with [TvPrimes] is seamless and enjoyable.

Thank you for choosing [TvPrimes] for your IPTV needs.

We are excited to have you on board!